Don’t take our word for it…
“My HST education was exceptionally helpful when i got to college because i had a background in the material of many of my college classes, especially with my previous knowledge of anatomy. Even in dental school i was still teaching my classmates the meaning of different medical terms and abbreviations – terms which i remember from flashcards and weekly quizzes that i took eight years ago in HST. HST was an amazing way to start my education in health care and continues to benefit me to this day; therefore, i would highly recommend this class to any high school student who is thinking about pursuing a career in the health care field.”
-Sarah Greenlaw, Salem CTE, 2005

CTE Alumni Spotlight
“In high school, I was in the TV Production Program with Mr. McCue, and he chose me to be a producer. Mr. McCue told me my senior year that I was going to be a cinematographer, but I really didn’t know too much about that. I wanted to direct.”
Alison Stone, Education '08
I went into many of my ECE courses well prepared and with background knowledge that many of my (college) classmates did not have which allowed me to progress through the course work with ease.
Jessica Sexton, Epidemiologist '08
The CTE experience I had in the health professions program was profoundly meaningful to my career path. The thorough courses and dedicated teachers enabled students to truly engage in the learning materials and apply knowledge and skills in college and beyond.
Mithil Patel, Medical Student Midwestern University SHS/ Health Science Technology '08
The program was the stepping stone to my graduate education. Without the program I would have never found my aspirations to become a physician. It gave me a solid foundation to put me ahead of my peers in my undergraduate and graduate education.